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I cook a pot o peas an' rice for de chillen's dinner, I'm gwine to see Andrew and ax em to make some crutches for Keepsie."

"Andrew? You wouldn' let Keepsie walk wid crutches Andrew made, Si May-e? I can' stand for Andrew to make em. You go get Brer Dee to make em, not Andrew——"

"Brer Dee can make crutches for old people, but dey would be too heavy for a lil boy. I want to get Keepsie some light ones so e can hop along to school fast as de other chillen can walk an' hop along joyful too."

Budda pulled his ragged old hat farther down over his eyes. "I been crippled all my life, but I rather drag myself on my belly like a snake and eat dirt, dan to walk on any crutches Andrew ever made. Gawd, how I hate em." And he spat far to show how much.

"Fo Gawd's sake, hush, Budda. Looka Auntie a-comin. Auntie can' stand people to talk ugly talk. Specially about Andrew. Auntie thinks Andrew comes next to Jedus' own sef."

When his breast began making a queer husky sound and heaving in jerks, Mary thought such hard talking had shut off his wind, for he was weakened down with worry and vexation. But when a big round bright drop of water fell through the air, she knew he was crying. Budda