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was the whole trouble. Nobody could please her. The angel Gabriel could not please her. Instead of being satisfied with being a high-up church-member and a deacon's wife, Doll was raven to join the Bury-league. She talked about it day and night.

"Doll is spoiled. You done too much for em, Cousin. Too much. It don' pay to let a woman run over you. If you do, before long Doll will stop an' wipe e feet on you."

Andrew nodded slowly. Mary wasright. She knew Doll, but he was going to teach Doll a lesson. She'd find out he was no feeble fool to run after her and be a slave for her. She could stay right where she was the rest of her days before he'd ever go one step to fetch her home.

"Whe e is, Cousin? Whe Doll dey? Fo Gawd's sake, you don' mean dat fool 'oman is gone an' left you! How-come so?"

Andrew tilted his hat a bit farther back and squared himself with his feet farther apart to tell Mary about the whole thing. Doll never could understand that men and women are different creatures. God made them different at the very start. He did not make men to sit down at home and patch and sew and quilt. Mary smiled. Of course, God didn't make men so, and she for one was glad of it. She never