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"When did Seraphine ever mistreat Big Boy?"

"Last Sat'day when e went all de way to town to see em."

"What Seraphine done, Cousin?"

"Seraphine wouldn' much as come out an' speak to em."

The morning was warm and the air in the shop was hot from the fire in the forge, but cold sweat broke out on Mary and chilled her the same as if Andrew poured a bucket of spring water over her. Fear stabbed her to the heart. Seraphine was always so glad to see anybody from home, why would she not come out and speak to Big Boy?

"How-come Big Boy ain' told me how Seraphine done?"

"Big Boy ain' had de heart to tell you." Andrew's eyes shot a swift look at Mary's face then went back to the hot white rod which shed scales of red-hot skin every time that it was given a twist.

"Big Boy is wrong, somehow, Cousin. Seraphine wouldn' miss seein em, not fo gold. Seraphine is a good manners-able gal, an' e ever was raven over Big Boy."

"So much book readin might be changed Seraphine from how e was, Si May-e."

Mary could not answer that. Book reading