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up to nature's God, learning is profitable. Prof. Rudolph's astronomical explanations are of this sort. The researches and experiences of our great minds are of the utmost importance, when given thus.

Astronomy, Natural History, Chemistry, Music, Mathematics, etc., as ideas of a Principle, are mile-stones in the pathway of science; but when we attempt to put Principle into these ideas, we give them the interpretations of personal sense, that mislead our conclusions. Let spiritual sense give the last, because the highest explanation of all things, and “the last shall become first, and will be final.” If material man was really man, when this body is destroyed man would be annihilated; identifying man through matter you have no authority for saying, he lives after that is destroyed. Education is all that develops sense, but it cannot develop Soul; Casper Hauser, without this education, manifested less Intelligence than a mouse, was unable to feed himself, even knew less than the lower species, guided by instinct. The infant boy, incarcerated in a dungeon where neither sight nor sound could reach him, at the age of an adult, was not a man, — showing years make not men — he was an infant still, and a belief of Life in matter, that proved itself neither Intelligence nor the idea of God, but in reality nonentity. Thus mortal man for whom laws of health are conjured up from the abyss of condemned “knowledge,” is just this material nothingness, “dust to dust;” therefore, what availeth it to plant him deeper in matter-belief, whence he sprang and was accursed.

The least thought or said of physical structure, laws of health, etc., the higher will become manhood and