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sense, is mortal; and that which is mortal is error. That sin proceeds from personal sense, we know, and this proves the fountain evil, and the streams evil also, therefore Wisdom never produced either; hence, God is not the author of personal sense. We say food sustains the Life of man; and again, that a heavy meal kills him. Here the old theory that opposed Christ, Truth, is reproduced in affirming the same fountain sendeth forth sweet and bitter waters. If the All-wise hath a law demanding food to preserve the Life of man, He hath no law by which food can destroy him. We must take the opposite ground of personal sense in regard to sin, sickness and death, to fully destroy them; a physical demand is not to be admitted, but destroyed, only the demands of Soul are to be heard; the body cannot speak for itself, being unintelligent.

Is it mind or body that declares undigested food irritates the nervous tissues producing a terrible sense of pain, faintness, oppression, etc., and that your remedy is to expel the food, or digest it? This is mental testimony, and there is none other, 't is a law of belief, mis-named a law of matter; the body cannot define cause and effect.

A case of extreme suffering from food, came under our observation. The lady had said, but a few moments before we came to her assistance, “I shall die unless the food is expelled,” and in ten minutes thereafter was rid of her sufferings, and when questioned in regard to her feelings, replied, “I have no pain now, and would like to eat again.” By contending mentally against a physical position you can change it and destroy it through mind, even as you have produced it thus. The