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has no reality to Soul; it exists only as belief, and is apparent only to personal sense. Accidents are unknown to God. If the science of Soul was reached, immortality would be gained, and there would be no chance for suffering. Soul and body are inseparable and eternal; if one is indestructible, so is the other. Understanding this, exempts man from disease and death, that anatomy and physiology regard positive claims on Life. Denying the Truth of being, measurablyprevents its benefits on the body, by hindering its action in mind. It is not faith, but understanding, we need in science, and, “whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before the Father.” This beautiful text refers not to a person, but the Principle of man that embraces the Truth of being, that casts out error and heals the sick. Reason discounts on revelation when it denies God the things that are His, and contradicts the omnipotence of Soul over sense; but whoso reasons aright on this point, and hesitates not to declare his views, i. e., “to confess me before men,” becomes harmonious. When reason accords with the declaration of Scripture that man has dominion over earth, we shall recognize this, and turn in triumph from the seemingly impossible, to “all things are possible,” and demonstrate this.

“He that denieth me before men,” refers to a denial, or an open acknowledgment of our honest convictions that effectually hinders or aids man's progress.Because the science of being is not yet understood, and the age is not yet awake to this subject, if we but half desire to understand it, and conceal this desire, we shall be unable to demonstrate it. A hypocrite or liar