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Our Master ventured to say he was “Truth and Life, and no man cometh unto the Father” (the Principle of his being) “except through me,” Truth. Principle is the Father of man, and science alone reveals Principle, hence it is the “Comforter” that leads into all Truth. Jesus regarded himself Principle instead of person: hear his words: “I am the way, the Truth, and Life.”

God is the Soul of man and the only Intelligence, Life or Substance: and man is the reflex shadow of God. Belief is error, and mortal man is a belief: understanding is Intelligence; belief is personal sense, the so-called mind of matter; understanding is Soul, which is Spirit, belief is knowledge and that which said “I will make ye as gods,” is mortal error, alias mortal man. Wisdom said of knowledge, “In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Christianity is God understood and demonstrated. There is no death in Truth, and vice versa. Error is mortal; the very opposite of Truth and its idea which is the perfect and immortal man and universe. Doctrines and theories placing God in man, Soul in body, are founded on belief, and are the offspring of personal sense. We entertain no belief with regard to what we understand, and cannot demonstrate what is not understood. When Soul is accepted as the only Intelligence, we shall depend on this ever-present Truth to control its own body; and to understand this Principle of man, is indispensable to his harmony; to know we are Soul and not body is starting right.

Matter is not substance, if God is substance; for matter and Spirit are not one. Which shall be substance, the erring, mutable and mortal, or the change-