Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/106

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as Nature's untired worshippers. The snowbird sings and soars amid the blasts, has no catarrh from wetting his feet, procures his summer residence with more ease than a nabob.

The atmosphere of earth, more kind, leaves catarrh to the atmosphere of mortal mind. Nothing but mortal belief gives colds and coughs, or circulates contagion. Mortal mind produces its own phenomena, and then charges them to something else; like a kitten glancing into the mirror at herself, and thinking she sees there another kitten.

Nerves are not the source of pain or pleasure. We suffer or enjoy in our dreams, but this pain or pleasure is not communicated through a nerve. A tooth extracted sometimes aches again in belief, and the pain seems in its old position. A limb amputated has continued in belief to pain the owner. If the sensation of pain in the limb can return, and be prolonged, why could not the limb reappear?

Why need pain come sooner than pleasure to this mortal sense? Because the memory of it is more vivid. I have seen an unwitting attempt to scratch the end of a finger which had been cut off for months. When the nerve is gone that we say occasioned pain, and yet the pain remains, it proves sensation to be in the human mind, not in matter. Reverse the case, take away this mind instead of a piece of the flesh, and then nerves have no sensation.

When the sick recover by the use of drugs, it is the law of a general belief, culminating in individual faith, that heals, and according to this faith will the effect be. Take away the individual confidence in the drug, and