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right, and nothing short of right-doing has any claim to the name.

The spiritual and material are at variance, from the very necessity of their oppositeness. In this world mortals are unacquainted with the reality of existence, because matter and mortality are not its realities.

We are sometimes taught that darkness is as real as light; but Science affirms darkness to be but the absence of light, wherein it loses all reality. Thus it is that sickness, sin, and death (the acme of moral and physical darkness) are unreal, because they reflect no light, no God.

Science reverses the entire evidence of the senses with divine proof. Every quality and condition of mortality is lost, swallowed up in Immortality. Immortal man is the antipodes of mortal man, in origin, existence, and his relation to God.

Socrates, understanding the superiority and immortality of good, feared not the hemlock poison. Even the faith of his philosophy spurned timidity for the mortal body. Having sought his spiritual estate, he recognized the immortality and supremacy of Spirit, and the nothingness of matter. The ignorance and malice of the age would have killed the venerable philosopher, for his faith in Soul and his indifference to the body.

Who shall say that man is alive to-day, but is to-morrow dead? What has touched Life, God, to such strange issues? Here theories cease, and Science rolls back the mystery and solves the problem of man. Error bites the heel of Truth, but cannot kill it. Truth bruises the head of error, and crushes it. Spirituality lays open siege to materialism. On which side are we fighting?