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A little girl who had occasionally listened to my explanations, wounded her finger badly. She seemed not to notice it. On being questioned about it she answered ingenuously, “There is no sensation in matter.” Bounding off, with laughing eyes, she added, “Mamma, my finger is not a bit sore.”

It might have been months or years before her parents would have laid aside their drugs, or reached the mental height their little daughter so naturally accepted. The more stubborn beliefs of parents often choke the good seed in the minds of themselves and their offspring. Ignorance, like “the fowls of the air,” snatches away the good seed before it has sprouted.

Loss of identity, through the understanding of Science, is like the loss of the tones of music in their Principle. The great mistake of mortals is to suppose that man is both mortal and immortal, both good and evil.

The vesture of Life is Truth. According to the Bible, the facts of being are commonly misconstrued, for it is written, “They parted my garments among them, and for my vesture did they cast lots.” The Divine Science of man is woven into one web of consistency, without seam or rent; but it has been torn, and lots have been cast for its fragments. Mere speculation has appropriated no part of the vesture; but inspiration restores every part to the divine fabric and robe of righteousness.

Man gives neither shape nor comeliness to beauty. Beauty possesses those qualities even before they are perceived by man. Beauty is a thing of Life, that has dwelt forever in the Eternal Mind. Nature reflects the charms of His goodness in form, outline, coloring. Love paints the petal with myriad hues, glances in the warm