Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/167

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There is but one God. The spiritual He, She, and It are Mind and Mind's ideas. One God means One Mind; and this establishes the brotherhood of man, and fulfils the divine laws, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” and “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Erring, sinful, sick, and dying men are not the likenesses of the perfect and eternal Mind. But usage classifies both evil and good together as mind; therefore, to be understood, I will call sick and sinful humanity mortal mind, — meaning, by this term, the flesh that is opposed to Spirit, human error and evil in contradistinction to Goodness and Truth.

Matter is the primitive belief of mortal mind, that has no cognizance of Spirit. To mortal mind substance is matter, and evil is good; the senses of mortal mind are material, and its consciousness dependent on external sense.

This depraved mortality, misnamed mind, would become extinct, and mortals would be annihilated, were it not for man's indissoluble connection with God. This union Jesus brought to light in Divine Science; showing, through the law of opposites, that a mortal man is not the reality of man, hence this unreal man disappears to admit the reality.

The statement that “Truth is real” necessarily includes the corresponding statement, “Error is unreal.” The five physical senses are the avenues of mortal mind, and they indicate the common human belief — namely, that Life, Substance, and Intelligence are a blending of matter with Spirit. This is pantheism, and carries within its bosom the seeds of all error. Hence the Scripture: “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit,