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Spirit produces matter and includes all the ills of flesh, and therefore that Good is the author of evil,—suppositions which contradict even natural science.

Divine Science—which, when applied to humanity, I denominate Christian Science—reveals God as not the author of sin, sickness, and death, and reveals Spirit as exempt from these evils. It teaches that matter is the falsity, not the fact, of existence; that nerves, brain, stomach, lungs, have—as matter—no intelligence, life, or sensation.

To say that Mind is in matter, or that matter is the medium of Mind, is no more rational than to say that a rock embraces an embryonic tree, and becomes the medium of the tree's development and individuality.

The only excuse for entertaining such opinions is our mortal ignorance of Spirit,—ignorance that yields only to the understanding of immortal existence, as revealed in that Science whereby we enter into the Kingdom of Truth on earth, and learn that Spirit is supreme, and that matter is a falsity claiming some other power or presence besides Him. Spirit and matter no more commingle than light and darkness. When one appears the other disappears.

Harmony in man is as real and immortal as in music. Discord is unreal and mortal. Superstition and Understanding can never combine. The latter destroys the former. Discord is the nothingness of error; harmony is the somethingness of Truth.

To say that Mind is beneath a skull-bone is a false description of intelligence. Sin and suffering belong not to a Divine Mind. Without rightful origin or existence, they have neither Principle nor permanence, but