Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/179

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Physiology, exalting matter and dethroning Mind, would rule man by material law instead of spiritual; and, failing to give health or life by this process, ignores the Divine Spirit as unable or unwilling to render help in time of physical need. If mortals sin, they are dealt with according to a theology that admits God to be the healer of sin but not of sickness, although our blessed Master demonstrated that he could save from sickness as well as sin.

If the Infinite were within the finite, God would be human, and unlimited Mind spring from a limited body; whereas limitless Mind can have no starting-point and return to no limit, but must forever radiate through unfathomable space. Mind is not person. Pre-existing, it must antedate all material formation. Having no starting-point, Mind can never be in bonds, or be fully manifested through personality. God is individual, not personal; to be omnipresent, God must fill universal space. To conceive of such personality is impossible.

The artist is not in his painting; the picture is his thought evolved. The human belief fancies that it delineates thought on matter; but what is matter? Was it before thought? Matter is made up of forces, and force is reduced to Mind; and thought will finally be understood and seen without material accompaniments. The potter is not in the clay; else the clay would have power over the potter. God reproduces His own individuality, and He cannot really be in His reflection.

Knowledge is a mortal, finite sense of things that Spirit disclaims. Human knowledge mistakes cause for effect, limits Life, holds fast to discord and death. Man and the universe, interpreted by their Divine Principle,