Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/182

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The matter is there still. The consent of that mortal belief to die occasioned its death and departure; yet you say it was matter that died.

You say that Soul is lost, and yet is immortal. If Soul sinned it would die; for spiritual death is oblivion. Only because it is Spirit, that hath no element of self-destruction, Soul is immortal. Is man lost spiritually ? No, he can only be lost materially. All sin is material; it cannot be spiritual. Sin exists only so long as the illusion of matter remains. It is the sense of sin, and not the sinful soul, that is to be lost.

Entity signifies the particular nature of being; God, without the image and likeness of Himself in man, would be a nonentity. Spiritual man is the idea of God, an idea that cannot be lost or separated from its Divine Principle. When the evidence before the material senses yielded to the spiritual sense of Soul, Paul declared that nothing could separate him from the love of God, — the sweet sense and presence of Life and Truth.

Truth, demonstrated, is eternal Life. Mortal man can never rise from the temporal débris of error, — the belief in sin, sickness, and death, — until he learns that God is his only Life. While the belief continues of life and sensation in the body, the body will be mortal; and mortals will be governed in belief by their bodies.

Harmony is controlled by its Principle, is produced by it and abides with it. Principle is the Life of man; hence his happiness is not at the disposal of personal sense. Truth is not contaminated by error.

Whence came to me this conviction, in antagonism to the testimony of the human senses? From the