Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/185

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Mind. The Science of Mind deals with disease as error, and heals with Truth. Medical science treats disease as if it were real, and heals it, or attempts to heal it, with matter. Material methods are temporary, and have never elevated mankind.

Materia medica, like its narcotics, satisfies mortal mind, and so reaches the body, but leaves both mind and body the worse for this abnormal submission. Christian Science impresses both the human mind and body, and brings out the immortal proof that Life is continuous and harmonious. As with a two-edged sword, Science both amputates error and destroys it. Mankind is the better for this profound surgery.

Life is no more in the forms that express it, than substance is in its shadow. If Life were in mortal man, or material things, it would be subject to their limitations and end in death. A belief fulfils the illusive conditions of belief. Sickness, sin, and death seem as real to human belief as do Life, Truth, and Love. As a cloud hides the sun it cannot extinguish, so belief may seem to silence the voice of immutable harmony, but cannot destroy its Science.

If Soul is immortal it cannot be finite. By losing the finite sense of being we gain the eternal unfolding of Life, and this is immortality. Day may decline and shadows fall, but darkness flees when the earth has again turned upon its axis. The sun is not affected by the revolution of the earth. So Science reveals Soul as untouched by sin and death, as the central Life and Intelligence around which circle harmoniously all things in the systems of Mind, — spirituality and individuality. All Science is divine. Human thought never