Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/202

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became to the world of belief, depending on doctrines and material law to save them from sin and sickness, and submitting to death as the inevitable law of matter; when Jesus proved this false by his resurrection, and said: “Whosoever liveth, and believeth in me, shall never die.”

That saving of our Master, “I and my Father are one,” separated him from the scholastic theology of the rabbis. His better understanding of God was a rebuke. He knew of but one Mind, and laid no claim to any other. He knew that the Ego was Mind, instead of body, that sin and evil were not Mind; and his understanding of this Divine Science brought upon him the anathemas of the world.

The opposite views of the people hid from their eyes his sonship with God. They could not discern spiritual being. Their carnal minds were at enmity with it. Their thoughts were filled with mortal error, instead of with God's idea as presented by Jesus. The likeness of God we lose sight of through sin, which beclouds the spiritual sense of Truth; and we only regain this likeness as we subdue sin, and regain man's heritage of “dominion over the earth,” the liberty of the sons of God.

The voice of Truth still calls: “Adam, where art thou? Art thou dwelling in the belief that Mind is in matter, and that evil is Mind? or art thou in the living faith of no other Mind but God, and keeping his commandment?” Until the lesson is learned that God is the only Mind, governing man, mortal belief will be afraid, and hide from the demand, “Where art thou?”

If we regard Mind as both good and evil, every supposed pain and pleasure of material sense will answer the above inquiries with dismay, and weigh against our