Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/204

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of the latter.” And so it was in the coming centuries, when the Science of Being was demonstrated by Jesus, and he showed his students the power of Mind, by changing water into wine, and taught them how to handle serpents unharmed, to heal the sick, and cast out error. So they understood the supremacy of Spirit.

The mission of Jesus confirmed prophecy, and explained the so-called miracles of olden time as the demonstration of divine power. This established his claim to the Messiahship. In reply to John's inquiry, “Art thou he that should come?” he returned a brief affirmative, by recounting deeds instead of repeating his words, confident that this exhibition of the divine power would fully answer that question to one who had prophesied the Messianic appearing. This was therefore his reply: “Go and show John these things which ye both see and hear: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk; and blessed is he who shall not be offended in me.” In other words, he gave his benediction to whomsoever should not deny that these manifestations of divine power proved Christ's unity with God, the Divine Principle that adjusts the harmony of being.

That they might prove their Christianity, Jesus instructed his disciples to heal the sick through Mind, knowing that Truth would cast out error, and thus restore the equilibrium of the human organism. This is the philosophy of Christian cure.

In Latin the word rendered disciple signifies student; and the word indicates that healing was not a supernatural gift to these learners, but their cultivated understanding of the Divine Science taught by their Master. Hence the wide meaning of his saying: “Neither pray