Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/211

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He uttered things that had been “secret from the foundation of the world;” that is, ever since knowledge usurped the throne of the creative Principle, and insisted on the might of matter and the insignificance of Spirit.

The Master forbore not to declare the whole Truth, telling just what would destroy sickness, sin, and death; although his declaration set households at variance, and brought to their material beliefs no peace, but a sword.

Whoever declares “the Truth as it is in Jesus” will share in a degree the Master's experiences. Resistance to Truth will follow his steps, and he will incur the hatred of error, till “Wisdom is justified of her children.” These blessed benedictions rest upon his followers: “If the world hate you, ye may know that it hated me before it hated you;” “Lo I am with you always;” i. e. not only in all time, but in all ways, or conditions.

The sharp experiences of the error of supposititious Life in matter — our disappointments and ceaseless woes — turn us, as tired children, to spiritual Love. Then we begin to learn Life in Divine Science. Without this process of weaning, “who by searching can find out God?” It is easier to desire Truth than to rid one's self of error. Mortals may seek the understanding of Christian Science, but shall not be able to glean from it the facts of being without laboring for them. This strife consists in the endeavor to destroy error of every kind, and possess no other Mind but God.

Through the wholesome chastisements of Love we are helped onward in the march towards righteousness and purity, which are the footsteps of Science. Pausing before the infinite tasks of Truth we rest for a moment;