Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/250

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When the imaginary intercourse between ourselves and the departed is found to be a myth, error will have a shorter life-lease, and humanity a more profitable and rational field of labor. When being is understood, Life will be recognized neither as material nor finite, but as infinite, — as God, universal good; and the belief that Life, or Mind, was ever in a finite form, or good in evil, will be destroyed. Then it will be understood that Spirit never entered matter, and was therefore never resurrected from it. Thus advancing to scientific being and the understanding of Spirit, man can no longer commune with matter; nor can he return to it, any more than a tree can return to its seed.

The period required for this dream of material life to vanish, embracing its so-called pleasures and pains, “no man knoweth, not the Son, but the Father.” It will be of longer or shorter duration, according to the tenacity of its error. What advantage, then, would it be to us, or to the departed, to prolong the material state, so prolonging the illusion of Soul in sense, and Mind fettered to matter.

There is not as much evidence of any intercommunion between the so-called dead and the living, as there is to the sick that matter suffers and has sensation; and this latter evidence is destroyed by Science. If the so-called mediums understood in part the Science of Being, their belief in mediumship would be gone. They could no longer produce the manifestations contingent on their own finite and material senses, although said to originate with spirits.

Scientific results are based on a demonstrable Principle, explained in Science. Phenomena produced by