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by it, the sorrowing comforted, and the sinner reformed. These are the effects of one universal Cause, and that Cause is the Principle, not the person, of Science.

Soul sends despatches everywhere. The electric wire, carrying to Europe a submarine word, foreshadows the Science of Mind. Little by little thought is forsaking materiality, and becoming more spiritual, while Science pushes the centuries onward.

Spirit is never in limits or limbo. What of the belief that we are wearing out life, and hastening to death, while at the same time we are communing with immortality? If the departed are in rapport with mortality, or matter, they must still be mortal, sinful, suffering, and dying. Then wherefore look to them for proofs of immortality, and accept them as oracles? Communications gathered from ignorance are pernicious in their tendencies.

The act of describing disease — its symptoms, locality, and fatality — itself makes the disease. Warning people against death frightens them into it. This obnoxious practice ought to cease. Many instances could be cited of death from fright. Mediumship helps to strengthen and perpetuate the very belief that must be destroyed in order to heal the sick — namely, the illusion of death.

Jesus cast out spirits, or false beliefs. The apostle bade men have the Mind that was in Christ. Jesus did his own work, and explained the One Spirit. He never described disease, but he healed it. If the sick are made more comfortable by error, this shows them to be all the more the victims of disease.

Mysticism gives force to so-called mediumship. An unscientific mental method is more fatal than drugs, and