Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/265

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It is but an illusion to suppose that death has given the departed a better understanding of ourselves, so that they can help us if we seek their aid. When wandering in Australia, do we look for help to the Esquimaux in their snow huts? Different dreams and different awakenings betoken differing consciousness.

In an age of sin and sensuality, hastening to a greater development of power, it is wise to consider whether it is the human mind or the Divine Mind that is influencing you. Only as you are guided by divine power, through Science and understanding, will you steer clear of the fearful shoals on this unexplored coast. The error which inaugurated the Salem Witchcraft delusion will not be over until that error is met and overcome, not by the gibbet, but by Truth.

Science must be allowed to explain the incredible good and evil elements now coming to the surface. An evil mind, at work mesmerically, is an agent of mischief little understood. Mortals must find refuge in Soul, in order to escape the error of these latter days. Mediumship and mesmerism are instigating a terribly discordant development.

Let us insist on the majesty of right, and its control over wrong, and deny the reality of aught but God and God's true idea. Thus shall be overthrown the reign of error, while the world of harmony and Truth shall reappear like the green hills after the deluge.

Even if spirit-communications were possible, they would grow beautifully less with every advanced stage of existence. The departed would gradually pass away from ignorance and materiality, and the medium would outgrow her belief in mediumship.