Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/269

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this is the popular view of Christians, as well as of other religionists, who believe in miracles, and such supernatural interferences.

Mortals try in vain to slay error with the steel, when it falls only before the sword of Spirit. Our various theories will never lose their imaginary power, for good or evil, until we lose our belief in them, and make Life its own proof of harmony and God.

Truth will finally mark the hour of harmony; and spiritualization will follow, for Truth is Spirit. Before error is wholly destroyed, there will be interruptions to the general material routine. Earth will become dreary and desolate; but summer and winter, seedtime and harvest (though in changed forms) will continue unto the end, — until the final spiritualization of all things.

Mrs. Hemans has touched a faith-chord in her lines —

We know that the bowers are green and fair
In the light of that summer shore;
And we know that the friends we have lost are there, —
They are there, and we weep no more!

In dreams we fly to Europe, and meet a far-off friend. One person sees the body in bed, another carries it through the air or over the ocean. This sleeping dream is nearer the actuality of man's scientific being than is the waking dream of material life, because the belief of personal sense governs it less. The scientific statement that all is Mind gains its simplest proofs from dreams, and from the healing of the sick by Mind.

A lady having an internal tumor, and greatly dreading a surgical operation, called on me. I conducted her case metaphysically, never touching her, never using a