Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/311

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approaches its final statement, as animate error, — or as mortal mind, nerves, brains, — the more prolific does it become of disease-beliefs.

The sick know nothing of the mental process by which they are depleted, and next to nothing of the metaphysical method by which they can be healed. The latent thought, in the unconscious substratum of mortal mind, produces the conscious thought, or that condition of the body which we call material. Mortal mind is ignorant of itself, ignorant of the errors it includes, and of their effects upon the body.

Commence your treatment always by allaying the fear of disease or danger. Silently reassure the patient. Watch the result of that simple rule of Christian Science, and you will find that it alleviates the symptoms of every disease. If you succeed in removing the fear, your patient is healed.

The process is simple, but the Science is abstract; and the results are sure if the Science is understood. The tree must be good that produces good fruit. The great fact that God wisely governs all, never punishing for aught but sin, is your standpoint, whence to advance and destroy the human fear of sickness.

If your patient believes in taking cold, mentally convince him that matter cannot take cold, and that mind governs the experience. If grief causes suffering, convince the sufferer that sorrow is not the master of joy, and that he should rejoice always.

If a man is an inebriate, a slave to tobacco, or the special servant of any one of the myriad forms of sin, meet and destroy those errors with the Truth of Being, — by exhibiting to the wrong-doer the suffering that his belief