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all else. Your belief militates against your health, when it ought to enlist on its side. When sick (according to belief) you rush after drugs, search the so-called laws of health, and depend on these to heal you, when you have really got yourself into the slough of disease through just this false dependence.

The human mind is inharmonious; hence the inharmony of the body. To ignore God, as of little use in sickness, is anomalous. If we thrust Him aside then, waiting for the hour of strength, we should learn that He can do more for us in sickness than in health.

Because man-made systems insist that man becomes sick and useless, suffers and dies, in consonance with the laws of God, are we to believe it? Despite God's spiritual law to the contrary, are we to believe an authority which Jesus has proved false? He did the will of the Father. He healed sickness in defiance of what is called material law, but in accordance with God's spiritual law.

The demands of God appeal to Mind only; but the claims of mortality, and what are termed laws of nature, appertain to matter. Which, then, are we to accept as legitimate, and capable of producing the highest human good? We cannot obey both physiology and Spirit; for one is opposed to the other, and insists upon supremacy in the affections. It is impossible to work from two standpoints. If we attempt it, we shall presently “cleave to the one and despise the other.” Mind's control over the body must supersede the so-called laws of matter. Obedience to material law prevents full obedience to spiritual law, — the law that overcomes material conditions, and puts matter under