Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/339

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This task becomes easy, as you understand that every disease is a belief, and has no character or type, except what mortal mind assigns to it.

Eradicate the image of disease in the unconscious thought, before it has taken tangible shape in conscious thought, alias the body, and you prevent its heredity. Unconscious mind, or matter, cannot dictate terms to conscious mind, or say, “I am sick.” The belief that the unconscious substratum of mortal mind, termed the body, suffers and reports disease, independently of this conscious mind, is the error that prevents mortal man from knowing how to govern his body.

Nothing can interfere with the harmony of being, or end the existence of man. He is the same after as before a bone is broken, or the body guillotined. Man is perfect and immortal; and the mortal and imperfect, that we call man, is a poor counterfeit, to be laid aside for the pure coin. This mortal is put away, and the reality of being is attained, no faster than we realize the immortality of man, and seek a higher model for one's self.

Accidents are unknown to God, or Immortal Mind; and we must leave the mortal basis of belief, and unite with the One Mind, in order to change this notion of chance to a sense of God's unerring direction, and bring out harmony.

“Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven.” A denial of Truth is fatal to Science. A just acknowledgment of Truth, and what it has done for us, is an effectual help. If pride, superstition, or envy prevents the honest recognition and admission of benefits received, this will be a