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by mortal mind. The physician “agrees with his adversary quickly,” but upon different terms from the metaphysician; for the matter-physician agrees with the disease, while the metaphysician agrees only with health, and bids defiance to disease.

Wiser than his persecutors, Jesus said, “If I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out?” He introduced this comparison because the people acknowledged his power. As it is written, “The common people heard him gladly.”

Again our Master asked, “How can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man?” In other words, How can I heal the body, without beginning with the mind that controls it? When disease is once destroyed in mind, its fear is gone, and therefore it is thoroughly cured. Men obtain harmony only as they forsake discord, acknowledge the supremacy of Mind, and abandon their material beliefs. Mortal belief is “the strong man,” that must be held in subjection before its influence upon health and morals can be touched. This belief conquered, we can despoil “the strong man's goods,” namely, diseases and illusions.

Deplorable cases of overmastering passion show the necessity of giving the higher faculties absolute control over the lower. The animate stratum of mortal mind should govern the inanimate or germinating material substratum.

Mankind must improve through generation. The necessity for uplifting the race is father to the fact that Mind can do it; for we can impart purity instead of impurity, beauty instead of deformity, and health instead of sickness.