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the law of Mind, which ultimately asserts its absolute supremacy.

Called to the bed of death, what material remedy have we, when all such remedies have already failed? Mind is our last resort; but it should not be deemed the least, as we shall learn in that startling moment. The dream of death is to be mastered by Mind. Thought must waken from its own material declaration, “I am dead,” to catch this trumpet-word of Truth, “There is no death!”

All is Mind; there is no matter. Life is real, and death is the delusion. A demonstration of the facts of Soul, according to Jesus, resolves the dark visions of sense into harmony and immortality. Our privilege at this supreme moment is to prove the words of our Master, “If any one keep my word, he will never see death.” To so divest our beliefs of their false trusts and material evidences, that the spiritual facts of being may appear, — that is the great step whereby to sweep away the false and give place for the true. Thus we may establish in Truth the temple, or body, “whose builder and maker is God.”

We should consecrate existence, not “to the unknown God,” whom we “ignorantly worship,” but to the eternal builder, the everlasting Father, — the Life, that mortal sense cannot impair or mortal belief destroy. We have tested the ability of mental might to offset human misconceptions, and replace them with the Life that is spiritual, not material.

I here present my readers with an allegory illustrative of the law of Mind, and the supposed laws of matter and hygiene.