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mate. Science rests on fixed Principle not relegated by a false sense.

Both the major and minor propositions of a syllogism may be true, and the conclusion false. Science affirms no discords. Reverse the testimony, pro or con, of the material senses, and you have the opposite spiritual fact in Science.

Not a blade of grass springs up, not a spray buddeth within the vale, not a leaf unfolds its fair outlines, not a flower starts from its cloistered cell, but Mind causes it. To suppose that God constitutes laws of discord, or institutes penalties without law, is a mistake.

Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven. If we concede the same reality to discord as to harmony, it has as lasting a claim upon us. If evil is as real as good, it is as immortal. If death is as real as Life, immortality is a myth. If pain is as real as the absence of pain, both must be immortal; and if so, harmony cannot be the fact of being.

The Mohammedan believes in a pilgrimage to Mecca. Another believes that drugs save life. The first is a religious delusion, the second is a medical delusion.

Disease is like the dream of sleep, wherein the suffering is wholly in mortal mind; yet the dreamer thinks he has a body, and the suffering is in that body.

The smile of the sleeper indicates the sensation produced physically by the pleasure of a dream. So pain and pleasure, sickness and care, are traced in unmistakable signs upon the face.

Sickness is a growth of error, springing from a seed of thought, — either your own thought or another's. The soil of disease is mortal mind, and you have a