Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/392

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mortality proves that error has been ingrafted into both the premises and conclusions of material and mortal humanity.

As the mythology of pagan Rome has yielded to a more spiritual idea of Deity, so shall our material theories yield to spiritual ideas, until the finite gives place to the Infinite, sickness to Health, sin to Holiness, death to Life, and God's kingdom comes “on earth as in heaven.”

XII. Man's consciousness, thought, and Mind are borrowed from God. Woman (a higher term for man) gives the full spiritual compound idea of Him who is Life, Truth, and Love. Spirit has created all, in and of Himself. God never created matter, for there is nothing in Spirit out of which matter could be made; but, as the Bible declares, God “made all that was made.”

XIII. In Christian Science the rule is that none but the pure in heart can see God. In proportion to his purity is man in the proper order of his celestial being, and able to demonstrate Life, even as Jesus did.

XIV. God makes good only, and evil cannot proceed from good. There is but one true Spirit, and neither spirits many nor gods many. There is no evil in Spirit, because Spirit is God. The notion that evil and good can be combined in one nature, is a delusion that must yield to Science. All human theories are destitute of real foundations.

XV. Mind is infinite, the only Ego. Limits impose ignorance. In Science man cannot lose his individuality; but in material sense he does lose it. Material personality is not unfettered, nor is it a perfect state of happiness. Sensualism is not real bliss, but bondage. The