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would follow me, even if the treatment should cause the death of a patient. The people are taught to say Amen. Shall I then be smitten for teaching Truth as the Principle of healing, and proving my word by my deed? James said, “Show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works.”

The community in general is ignorant of my method. This makes it doubly unfair to impugn my motives and misrepresent my history, although without this cross-bearing I might not now be able to say, with the apostle, “All these things cannot move me.” The sick, the halt, and the blind look up to me with blessings, and Truth will not be forever hidden, by unjust parody, from the quickened sense of the people.

I am in constant receipt of letters, showing the good already accomplished by the publications which my critic would consign to oblivion. The following extract I copy from a letter of Colonel Letts, United States Minister to Hayti: —

I had become almost a confirmed infidel as to the truths of the gospel of Christ; but after reading “Science and Health” my eyes were opened, and now I can and do understand the beauties of the gospel of our Master. I never thought myself a very wicked man, until I attempted to learn of Science. I now find there is more in me to correct than I was aware of; but, when I conquer in one instance, the next step is easier. It is a fight for immortality, and I am determined to conquer, by the help of God. Reading your book has restored my health.

I sometimes wonder if Truth is rejected because meekness and spirituality are the conditions of its acceptance, while Christendom generally demands so much less.