Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/400

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there are no contradictory statements, — at least none which are apparent to those who understand my arguments sufficiently well to pass judgment on them. One who understands my system can heal the sick on its Principle, and this practical proof is the only evidence of understanding Christian Science.

There are various methods of treating disease which are not included in the wide-spread systems; but I know of but one — the Science that Jesus gave us, and that one I would present to the whole world.

Until my critic is able to test a system, according to the rules which disclose its merits or demerits, it would be well to observe the divine precept, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

Anybody, able to perceive the incongruity between God's ideal and poor humanity, ought to be able to discern the distinction that I make between man as God's ideal, made in His image and likeness, and the mortal and material Adam.

The apostle says, “If a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.” This idea of human nothingness, which I preach, enrages the carnal mind, and is the chief objection of my critic.

I never wrote or dreamed of “educating the idea of God, or treating it for disease,” as my critic infers. I am sorry to say that he confounds man with Adam. When I speak of man as made in His image, I by no means refer to sinning, sick, and dying man. My ideal man, in God's likeness, is very different from my critic's.

My critic says, “She calls sin, sickness, and death nothingness, and then tries to cure nothing.” Here he