Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/411

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If the opposite of God is as real as He, there must be two supreme powers, and God cannot be all-powerful. Can Deity be omnipotent, while another strong and sinful being is self-creative? Is Life really God, as the Scripture saith? And, if so, can Life, or God, enter matter? And can matter drive Spirit hence, beating Omnipotence at every point?

Is the woodman's axe, that destroys a tree, superior to Omnipotence? Can a leaden bullet deprive a man of Life? If Mind is at the mercy of matter, then matter is omnipotent.

Such doctrines are “confusion worse confounded.” If two statements contradict each other, one must be null and void. Is Science thus contradictory? Christian Science, rightly understood, coincides with the Scriptures, and sustains logically every point it presents. Otherwise it would not be Science, and could not present its proofs.

Christian Science is not made up of contradictory aphorisms, nor of the inventions of those who scoff at God. It is the calm, clear verdict of Truth against error.

When the evidence of the existence of Spirit, or Soul, is palpable to spiritual sense only, and not cognizant to the five personal senses, — and yet you aver that these senses are indispensable to man's existence or entity, — what becomes of the Ego when matter disappears?

One more question: Why are the words, rather than the remarkable works, of prophet and apostle quoted for people's instruction? When history records the lives of great and good men, their acts are considered paramount to their sayings. Deeds are what we strive most to emulate.