Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/430

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Mind it manifests. If thought yields its dominion to other powers, it cannot outline in the body its own beautiful images, but effaces them, and delineates a foreign agent, called disease.

The heathen gods of mythology were unreal, as error is, and they controlled war and agriculture as much as our nerves control sensation, or our muscles measure strength. To say that strength can be in matter is like saying the power can be in the lever. The notion of any Life or Intelligence in matter is without foundation in fact, and you can have no faith in falsehood when you have learned its true nature.

Supposing one accident happens to the eye, another to the ear, and so on, until every personal sense is quenched. What is man's remedy? To die, and so get his senses back again? Even then he must gain the Science of sense, in order to retain immortal consciousness. Earth's preparatory school must be improved to the utmost. Really man never dies. The belief that he dies will not establish his scientific harmony. Death is not the result of Truth, but of error, and one error will not correct another.

Jesus proved, by the prints of the nails, that his body was the same immediately after death as before. If death restores sight, sound, and strength to man, then death is surely a better friend than Life. Alas for the blindness of belief, that makes harmony conditional upon death and matter, yet supposes Mind unable to produce harmony! So long as this error of belief remains, mortals will continue mortal in belief, exposed to the mercy of chance and change.

Sight, hearing, all the senses of man, are eternal.