Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/437

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this, and explains the solar system as working on a different plan. All the evidence of physical sense, or of the knowledge obtained thereby, must yield to Science, the immortal sense of things.

Question. — Will you explain sickness, and show how it is to be healed?

Answer. — Like a surgeon bandaging the limb and arranging plasters, before proceeding to amputation, I have been preparing to answer this question. The answer involves my first discovery, the discovery that enabled me to give a demonstration of Christian Science, or healing through Mind, the method whereof is described in the chapter on Healing and Teaching.

Mind must be found superior to all the beliefs of the five personal senses, and able to destroy all the ills “that flesh is heir to.”

I learned that sickness is an illusion, to be annihilated by Science; that disease is a suffering of mortal mind. Disease is fear made manifest on the body, whether this fear take the form of cancer, consumption, small-pox, or an injured limb.

The fear of dissevered bodily members, or a belief in such a possibility, is reflected on the body, — in the shape of headache, fractured bones, dislocated joints, and so on, — as directly as shame is seen in the blush rising to the cheek. This human error, about physical wounds and colics, is part and parcel of the delusion that matter can feel and see, having sensation and substance.

Divine Truth takes away this physical sense of error, just as it removes a sense of moral or mental error. That the body is matter, and that matter should suffer, — these propositions seem perfectly real and natural in