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although the material senses can take no cognizance of Spirit.

Genesis and the Apocalypse seem more obscure than other portions of the Scripture, because they cannot possibly be interpreted from a material standpoint. To me they are transparent, for they contain the Science of the Bible.

Christian Science is dawning upon a material age. The great spiritual truths of being, like rays of light, shine in the darkness; though the darkness, comprehending them not, may deny their truth.

The proof that my system is scientific resides in the good it accomplishes, — for it cures on a demonstrable Principle, that all may understand.

If mathematics present a thousand different examples of one principle, the proving of one example authenticates all the others. A simple statement of Christian Science, if demonstrated by healing, contains the proof of all that I have said of it. If one of my statements is true, every one must be true, for I never depart from my Principle and rule. You can prove for yourself, dear reader, the Science of Healing, and so ascertain if I have given you the correct interpretation of Scripture.

Mr. Darwin's theory of evolution, from a material basis, is more consistent than most theories in its history of mortality. Briefly, this is Darwin's theory: that Mind produces its opposite, matter, with power to recreate the universe and man. Material evolution implies that the Great First Cause must become material, and afterwards must either return again to Mind, or go down in dust and nothingness.

The Scriptures are very sacred to me. I aim only to