Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/54

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Scientists can heal the sick who are absent from them, since space is no obstacle to Mind. Immortal Mind heals what eye hath not seen. The whole world is made better by Truth on its pinions of light, chasing away the darkness of error.

Mortal mind, acting from the basis of sensuous belief in matter, is animal magnetism; but when mortal mind, contradicting the evidence of the senses, yields to the government of God, it can go forth on errands of love. In proportion as you understand Christian Science, you lose animal magnetism; and you disarm sin of its imaginary power, as you gain spiritual understanding.

You can have no power opposed to God in Science, and the senses must give up their false testimony. Your influence for good is the weight you throw into the right scale. The good you do, and the good you embody, give you the only power obtainable. Evil is not power. It is a mockery of strength, that ere long betrays its weakness, and falls, never to rise again. Bowring's verse expresses my thought on this subject: —

The chain of being is complete in me;
In me is matter's last gradation lost,
And the next step is Spirit — Deity!

The following testimonials are appended, simply to elucidate my topic: —

I was suffering from pulmonary difficulties, pains in the chest, a hard and unremitting cough, hectic fever; and all those fearful symptoms made my case alarming. When I first saw Mrs. Glover (afterwards Mrs. Eddy) I was reduced so as to be unable to walk any distance, and could sit up but a portion of the day. Walking up stairs gave me great suffering in breathing.