Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/551

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Jacob. A personal belief, embracing duplicity, repentance, sensualism; inspiration; the revelations of Science, wherein the so-called material senses yield to the spiritual sense of Life and Love.

Japhet (Noah's son). A type of spiritual peace, flowing from the understanding that God is the Divine Principle of all being, and man His idea, the child of His care.

Jerusalem. Mortal belief and knowledge, obtained from the so-called five material senses; the pride of power, and the power of pride; sensuality; envy; oppression; tyranny.

Jesus. The spiritual idea of God coming to material beliefs, rebuking and destroying them, and bringing to light man's immortality; the mediator, or spiritual link in creation, which unites God and man in Divine Science; the idea of Truth; the loved of the Father; the idea of Principle, which overcomes the belief of sin, sickness, and death; the highest idea of God, reflected by man, of which the so-called material senses have taken cognizance.

Jesus has a twofold appearing: as a man, understanding that Life is Spirit and eternal harmony, rebuking the belief of material life and an eternal discord, — with the presence of Truth and Love, to destroy these beliefs and errors; and as Soul, showing at the same time the omnipotence of Spirit, and the impotence of what we term matter. This duplexity of being specially fitted him to teach the Christian Science which he lived.