Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/558

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belief that man is the offspring of mortals; the belief that there can be more than one Creator; idolatry; that which appears to the so-called material senses, but neither exists in Science, nor can be recognized by spiritual sense; not a believer; sin; sickness; death.

Moses. A personal belief; moral courage; a type of moral law, and the demonstration thereof; proof that, without the gospel, — the unity of justice and Love, — there is something spiritually lacking, demanding its penalty in moral law.

Mother. Divine and eternal Principle, Life, Truth, and Love.

New Jerusalem. Divine Science; the spiritual facts of man and the universe, and the harmony thereof; the kingdom of heaven, or reign of harmony. Noah. A personal belief; knowledge of the nothingness of material things, and the immortality of all that is spiritual.

Oil. Consecration; charity; gentleness; prayer; the heavenly inspiration.

Pharisee. A personal and sensuous belief; self-righteousness; vanity; hypocrisy.

Prophet. A spiritual seer; disappearance of material sense, before the conscious facts of spiritual Truth.

Purse. Laying up treasures in matter; error.