Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/64

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Eclectic religion and metaphysical healing would ameliorate sin, sickness, and death. Let our pulpits do justice to Christian Science. Let it have fair representation from the press. Give it the place in our institutions of learning now occupied by physiology, and Christian Science will eradicate sickness and sin in less time than they have taken to increase, under the old systems and stereotyped plans for subduing them. Incorrect teaching lowers the standard of Truth. Man hath sought out many inventions, but he has not yet found that knowledge can save him from the dire effects of knowledge.

Many a hopeless case of disease is induced by a single post-mortem examination, — not from poison, or material virus, but from the fear of the disease, and from the image brought before the mind during an excited state of feeling, which is afterward outlined on the body.

Books that would rule disease out of mortal mind, and would so efface the images and thoughts of disease, instead of impressing them with force of description and medical detail, — such books would abate sickness and ultimately destroy it.

Physics would have you believe matter is diseased, independently of mortal mind, and despite its protest or co-operation. This view is as evidently erroneous to me now, and will be to others at some future day, as the rejected doctrine of the predestination of the saved and the lost. The shocking doctrine that man is governed physically all his days, and afterwards killed by the body, is too absurd to last another century.

The press unwittingly sends forth many a plague-spot into the human family. It does this by giving names to diseases, and printing long descriptions that mirror