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And thy best reason for aught is this, — thou, Lord, wouldst have it so. — Tupper.

THE best sermon ever preached is Truth's practice, healing sickness and destroying sin. Knowing that one affection will be supreme in us, and take the lead of our lives, the Master said, “Ye cannot serve two masters.”

Christian Science must be accepted, at this period, by induction. We admit the whole because a part is proven, and that part illustrates and proves the entire Principle. The Science should be taught by one morally advanced and spiritually endowed, for it is not superficial, nor is it seen from the standpoint of the human senses. Only by the illumination of the spiritual sense can the light of understanding be thrown upon this Science, that reverses the evidence before the material senses, and furnishes the right interpretation of God and man.

Although this volume contains the whole Science of Mind-healing, never think that you can gather its entire meaning by simply perusing my text-book. My personal instructions plant you more gently on its spiritual basis, and lift you more firmly above the perishing