Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/83

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freedom are known and acknowledged. I saw the sick wearing out years of servitude to an unreal master, even the belief that the body governs, rather than Mind.

By universal consent mortal belief has constituted itself a law to bind mortals to sickness, sin, and death; but this custom of belief is misnamed material law, and the physician who upholds it is mistaken in his methods. The law of mortal mind, conjectural and speculative, should be void, should be trampled under foot by the higher law of immortal Mind, that created man for dominion instead of enslavement.

I saw that the law of mortal belief included all error, and must be exposed, denied, superseded; that the claims of illusion's slaves must be explained away, even as the oppressive State laws were disputed, and the slave taught his freedom.

The higher law of the Divine Mind must end human bondage, or mortals will go on as did the colored race, ignorant of their inalienable rights, and submitting to the most hopeless slavery; because their masters enforced ignorance as the accompaniment of servitude.

Let history record it, that Massachusetts succored a fugitive slave in 1853, and put her foot on a tyrannical prohibitory law, regulating the practice of medicine, in 1880. Had her sister States followed this example, and sustained our Constitution and Bill of Rights, it would have saved them from a departure from that immortal sentiment of the Declaration, “Man is endowed by his Maker with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The oppressive State statutes touching medicine remind one of those