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evident that body has neither sense nor sensation of its own, that there is no oblivion of Soul or its faculties. Is Soul lost through sin? Then being and immortality are lost, with the faculties of seeing and hearing. But being cannot be lost while man exists.

Knowing that Soul and all its faculties are forever manifested through man, the Master healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, feet to the lame, bringing to light the action of the Eternal Mind on the erring mortal mind and body, to give a better understanding and harmony of being. He healed the sick and destroyed sin, by one and the same metaphysical process.

If it be true that nerves have sensation, that the eyes see and the ears hear, that matter has intelligence, then, when the body is dematerialized, those faculties must depart, and are not immortal as Mind; whereas the fact remains, that only through dematerialization can these faculties be immortal.

The material senses and Adam (represented in the Scriptures as formed from dust) are figurative and return to dust, to the nothingness of a belief disavowed. They go out as they came in, for they are still the error, and not the Truth of being. When the spiritual sense, and not the material, conveys the impressions of Mind to mortals, then being will be understood, and found to be harmonious.

We bow down to matter, and entertain finite thoughts of God, even as does the pagan idolater. We fear and obey what we consider a material body, more than we do a spiritual God. Modern knowledge, like the original tree of knowledge, multiplies our pains. Our illusions would rob God and slay man; and then would