Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/96

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You may know that Truth is leading, by the fewness and faithfulness of its followers. Their work is quiet, like the “little leaven which a woman hid in three measures of meal.”

A higher and practical Christianity, capable of meeting the want of mortals in sickness and in health, stands at the door of the age, knocking for admission. Will you open or close the door upon this angel visitant, who cometh as of old to the patriarch at eventide?

Truth hoists the standard of freedom. It bears the elements of liberty. On its banner is the motto, “Slavery is abolished.” No power can withstand Divine Wisdom. What is this supposed power that opposes itself to God? Whence cometh it? What is it that would bind man with iron shackles to sickness, sin, and death? The power of God bringeth deliverance to the captive. Whatsoever enslaveth man is opposed to the divine government.

There is no power apart from God. Omnipotence is all-powerful; and to acknowledge any other power is to dishonor God. The humble Nazarene rebelled against the supposition that sin, sickness, and death have power. He proved them powerless. It should have humbled the pride of the priests to behold the demonstration of Christianity so excel the influence of their ceremonies and dead faith.

If Mind is not the master of sin, sickness, and death, they are immortal; for it is proven already that matter has not destroyed them; that, on the contrary, it is their basis and support.

I hope, dear reader, I am leading you into the understanding of your divine rights and heaven-bestowed