Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/126

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The Principle and proof of Christianity are cognizable to the spiritual sense, as set forth in Jesus' demonstrations, Jesus' disregard of matter. through his disregard of matter and its so-called laws, and his healing the sick, casting out error, and destroying death, — “the last enemy to be overcome.”

Knowing that Soul and its attributes are forever manifested through man, the Master healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, feet to the lame, and thus brought to light the Scientific action of the divine Mind on human minds and bodies, to give a better understanding of Soul and salvation. Jesus healed the sick and destroyed sin, by one and the same metaphysical process.

The phrase mortal mind is really a solecism; for Mind Solecism. is immortal, and Truth pierces the error of mortality as a sunbeam penetrates the cloud. This so-called mind acts against itself, and is self-destructive, in obedience to the immutable law of Spirit. Error “soweth the wind, and reapeth the whirlwind.”

What is termed matter, being unintelligent, cannot say, “I suffer, I die, I am sick, or I am well.” It is Matter mindless. mortal mind which speaks thus, and appears (to this so-called mind) to make good its own claim. To mortal sense, sin and suffering are real; but immortal sense includes no evil or pestilence. Because it has no error of sense, it has no sense of error, therefore it is immortal.

If brain, nerves, stomach, are intelligent, — if they talk to us, tell us their condition, and report how they feel, — then Spirit and matter, Truth and error, commingle, and produce sickness and health, Good and evil, Life