Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/155

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The cross is the central emblem of history. It is the loadstar in the demonstration of Christian healing, whereby sin and sickness are destroyed. The sects which endured the lash of their predecessors, in their turn bestow it upon those who are in advance of themselves.

Take away wealth, fame, and social organizations, which weigh not one jot in the balance of God, and Clearer views. we get clearer views. Break up cliques, level wealth with honesty, let worth be judged according to wisdom, and we get better views of humanity.

The wicked man is not the ruler of his upright neighbor. Let it be understood that success in error is defeat in Truth. The watchword of Christian Science is Scriptural: “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts.”

To ascertain our progress, we must learn where our affections are placed, and whom we acknowledge and Sandals of truth. obey as God. If Love is becoming nearer, dearer, and more real to us, matter must then submit to Spirit. The objects we pursue and the Spirit we manifest reveal our standpoint, and show what we are winning.

Mortal mind is the acknowledged seat of motives. It forms material concepts, and produces every discordant Antagonistic fountains. action of the body. If action proceeds from the divine Mind, it is harmonious. If it comes from erring mortal mind, it is discordant, and ends in sin, sickness, death. Those two opposite sources never mingle in fount or stream. The perfect Mind sends forth perfection, for Mind is God. Imperfect mortal