Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/166

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Man is the reflection of Soul. He is the direct opposite of material sensation, and there is but one Ego. Blunders. We run into error when we divide Soul into souls, multiply Mind into minds, and suppose error to be Mind, Mind to be in matter, matter to be a lawgiver, unintelligence to act like Intelligence, and mortality to be the matrix of immortality.

Mortal existence is a dream, it has no real entity, but saith “It is I.” Spirit is the Ego which never The Ego. dreams, but understands all things; which never slumbers, but is ever conscious; which never believes, but knows; which is never born and never dies. Man is the likeness of this Ego. He is not God, the Ego; but like a ray of light which cometh from the sun, man is the outcome of God, and reflects His light.

Mortal body and mind are one, and that one is called man; but a mortal is not man. A mortal may be weary Awaking. or pained, enjoy or suffer, according to the dream he entertains in sleep. When that dream vanishes, the mortal finds himself experiencing none of those dream-sensations. To the observer, the body lies on the bed, undisturbed and sensationless, and the mind seems to be absent.

Now I ask. Is there any more reality in the waking dream of mortal existence than in the sleeping dream? There cannot be, since whatever appears to be a mortal mind or body is a mortal dream. Matter has no more sense as a mortal man, than it has as a tree; but the real man is immortal.

Upon this stage of existence goes on the dance of mortal mind. Mortal thoughts chase one another