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attain harmony. Inharmonious beliefs, which rob Mind, calling it matter, and deify their own notions, imprison Ignorance. themselves in what they create. They are at war with Science, and established, as our Master said, “a kingdom divided against itself,” which “cannot stand.”

Human ignorance of Mind, and of the recuperative energies of Truth, occasions the only skepticism regarding the pathology and theology of Christian Science.

When human belief learns even a little of its own falsity, it will begin to disappear. A knowledge of Disappearance of human belief. error and its operations must precede that understanding of Truth which destroys error, until the entire mortal mind and body finally disappear, and the eternal man, created by and of Spirit, is understood and recognized in the true likeness of his Maker.

The false evidence of material sense contrasts strikingly with the testimony of Soul. Material sense lifts its voice with the arrogance of reality, and says:

I am unjust, and no man knoweth it. I can cheat, lie, rob, murder, commit adultery, and elude detection by Testimony of sense. smooth-tongued villany. Brutal in propensity, deceitful in sentiment, fraudulent in purpose, I mean to make my short span of life one gala day. What a nice thing is sin! How the proud reveller succeeds, where goodness fails! The world is my kingdom, where I sit enthroned in the gorgeousness of matter. But a touch, an accident, the law of God, may at any moment annihilate my peace, for all my fancied joys are fatal. Like bursting lava, I but expand to my own despair, and shine with the resplendency of doom.