Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/200

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If God is limited to man or matter, or if the Infinite could be circumscribed within the finite, God would then Starting-point. be corporeal, and unlimited Mind would seem to spring from a limited body; but this is an impossibility. Mind can have no starting-point, and return to no limit. It can never be in bonds, nor be fully manifested through corporeality.

Can God create or accept such representatives of Himself as mortals, sin, sickness, and death? Can Recognition impossible. matter recognize Mind? Can Mind recognize matter? Can the Infinite know aught outside of Infinity? Can Deity be known through the material senses? Can these senses, which afford no direct evidence of God, give correct testimony as to infinite Life, Truth, and Love?

The answer to all these questions must forever be in the negative.

The physical senses can afford no evidence of God. We can neither see Spirit through the eye, nor hear it Our physical insensibility to Spirit. through the ear; nor can we feel, taste, or smell Mind. Even the more subtile and mis-named material elements are beyond the cognizance of these senses, and are known only by certain effects commonly attributed to them.

According to Christian Science the true senses of man are spiritual, emanating from Divine Mind. Thought passes from God to man, but no sensation or report comes back from body to Mind. The intercommunication is always between Mind and thought. Matter is not sentient, and cannot be really cognizant of good or of evil, of pleasure or pain. Man's individuality is not material. This Science of Being obtains not alone