Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/234

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lence this lie of material sense, with the Truth of spiritual sense. We must cause the error to cease that brought sin and death, and would shut out the pure sense of omnipotence.

Is the sick man sinful above all others? No! but so far as he is discordant, he is not the idea of God. Sickness no proof of sin. Weary of their material beliefs, whence come so much sorrow, mortals grow more spiritual, as the error — or belief that life is in matter — yields to the hope of spiritual existence.

The Science of Mind deals with disease as error, and heals with Truth. Medical science treats disease as if it were real and right, and heals it, or attempts to heal it, with matter. Material methods are temporary, and have never elevated mankind.

The governor is not subject to be governed. In Science man is governed by his Principle, as numbers are Principle in numbers. by their law. Intelligence does not originate in numbers, but is manifested through them. The body does not include soul, but manifests a false sense of soul. The delusion that there is life in matter has no kinship with the Life supernal.

It is not Scientific to examine the body, in order to ascertain if we are in health, and learn our life-prospects; Introspection. because this is to infringe upon God's government. To employ drugs for the cure of disease shows a lack of faith in God, the divine Principle of all harmony; but if your faith, or understanding, is insufficient to demonstrate Divine Science, your lower appeal is to the general faith in material means, and this must finally be outgrown.

Incorrect reasoning leads to practical error. The