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leads to the understanding that God is Life. It is a warfare with the flesh, wherein we must conquer sin, sickness, and death, either now or hereafter, but certainly before we can reach the goal of Spirit, or Life, as God.

Paul was not at first a disciple of Jesus, but a persecutor of his followers. When the Truth first Blindness and sight. appeared to him in Science he was blind, and his blindness was felt; but spiritual light soon enabled him to follow the example and teachings of Jesus, healing the sick and preaching Christianity throughout Asia Minor, Greece, and even in imperial Rome.

Paul writes, “If Christ [Truth] be not risen, then is my preaching vain;” that is: If this idea of the supremacy of Spirit, which is the true conception of Being, come not to your thought, you cannot be benefited by what I say.

Jesus said substantially, “He that believeth in me shall not see death;” that is: He who perceives the Abiding in Life. true idea of Life loses all sense of death. He who has the right idea of Good loses his sense of evil, and by reason of this is ushering himself into the undying realities of Spirit. Such an one abideth in Life, — Life obtained not of the body, incapable of supporting Life, but of Truth, developing its own immortal idea. Jesus gave the true idea of Life, which results in infinite blessings to mortals.

In Colossians (iii. 4) Paul writes: “When Christ, who is our Life, shall appear [be manifested], then shall ye Indestructible Being. also appear [be manifested] with him in glory.” When spiritual Being is understood in all its perfection, continuity, and might, then shall we be like Christ. The real meaning of the apostolic words is this: